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About Us


 Pragmatic Social Action is a Kenya-registered NGO. Our NGO is committed to pragmatic social actions, rooted in the core principles of community empowerment and environmental stewardship. 

Through our work, we aim to address the pressing challenges faced by vulnerable populations across Kenya, particularly focusing on the elderly, girls, women, and pastoralists in regions such as Turkana, Makueni, Kajiado, Busia, Vihiga, and Taita Taveta.

One of our primary objectives is to enhance the resilience of these communities in the face of climate change. 

We recognize that climate vulnerability exacerbates existing inequalities and poses significant threats to livelihoods, food security, and overall well-being. Therefore, our approach involves collaborating closely with community members to develop context-specific strategies that build their adaptive capacity.


Key components of our resilience-building initiatives include:

Community Engagement and Participation






In Community Engagement and Participation we prioritise inclusive decision-making processes that involve community members at all stages of project planning, implementation, and evaluation. We value local knowledge and expertise to ensure that interventions are relevant, culturally appropriate, and sustainable.

Capacity building

We provide training and skill development opportunities to equip community members with the tools and knowledge necessary to adapt to changing environmental conditions. This may include agricultural techniques resilient to drought, water conservation practices, and alternative income-generating activities

Natural Resource Management

Recognising the interconnectedness of ecosystems and human well-being, we advocate for sustainable natural resource management. This includes initiatives like reforestation, watershed management, and soil conservation, which not only reduce climate impacts but also improve ecosystem services that are essential for livelihoods.

Access to Climate Information and Early Warning Systems

Climate information must be timely and accurate in order to make informed decisions and prepare for disasters. We advocate for the establishment of community-based early warning systems and increased access to relevant climate data, allowing communities to anticipate and effectively respond to climate-related risks.

In addition to our on-the-ground efforts, we are dedicated advocates for fair climate policies at the local, national, and international levels. We work with policymakers, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders to advance policies that prioritise vulnerable communities’ needs and rights, address the root causes of climate vulnerability, and uphold principles of equity and social justice.
Our pragmatic approach recognises the importance of taking action in the face of climate change while also acknowledging the complexities of local contexts and community needs. Our goal is to create a sustainable and equitable future for all through collaboration, resilience, and advocacy for transformative change.

Our partners



1. Income security- we engage county and central governments, people, communities, and organizations to foster income security projects for the rural farming and livestock rearing communities, vulnerable rural women, men, youth, and older people. 2. Mobilise cash transfer schemes to support faster recovery from climate-induced emergencies to enhance resilience and coping mechanisms.

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Environmental Care

We work to support circular economy by engaging the grassroots communities to manage wastes, particularly plastic waste; value chains, retailers, and the government to create a zero-waste circular economy. In this way, we contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Mobilise for locally-led climate action

Tree planting among communities Plastic and waste management and recycling Adaptive climate-smart farming that leads to rural communities earning from their climate actions


We advocate for inclusive policy formulation and programming in the areas of Climate Change Adaptation programmes, namely climate-smart agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya Health: We engage for inclusive health services. Water and Sanitation – we create community sensitization Against Sexual, Gender-based Violence, and Abuse Inclusive development